Seven filmmakers pose with their certificates.

Climate Challenge: 1.5° Films Winners announced at the Films for Future Weekend!

Winners of the 6 categories of the Climate Challenge: 1.5° Films project received £100 cash prizes! The winning films and all those receiving special mentions were awarded stunning trophies made of upcycled lenses designed by Otherscapes Studios. They will also be invited to a creative filmmaking workshop in 2022! 

All the films screened over the Films For Future weekend received a limited-edition Climate Challenge: 1.5° Films 2021 digital collage also designed by Otherscapes Studios. All the filmmakers who submitted eligible films to the challenge will also be invited to a BBC The Social Contributors Workshop in 2022.

Films for Future was devised and delivered through Film Access Scotland’s two major current projects: Climate Challenge: 1.5° Films and the Youth Film Access Festival. 

Filmmakers submitted more than 100 films to the Challenge and our juries shortlisted 42 films across Youth, Live Action, Animation and Best Environmental Message categories. The juries considered quality, but what mattered most was that people of all ages and from all backgrounds tried filmmaking, many of them for the first time, using their phone, tablet or any camera they could find, taking action and feeling empowered to express their thoughts about climate change through visual storytelling.  

Over the weekend, all the shortlisted films were screened at awards ceremonies in Aberdeen, Edinburgh and Glasgow, programmed so the filmmakers could watch their own films on the big screen at the event they attended.   

1. Youth Category Winner (0-12 Years old) 

Save The Mussels” by Harvey Pole
The Youth Jury loved this film and were especially impressed with the production quality. It was an innovative way of thinking and dealing with climate change and was very enjoyable!  

Special Mention: “Squirrel’s Gonna COP it!” by Crieff Primary School 
Extremely original and a very inspiring, cute use of soft toys!

2. Youth Category Winner (12-18 Years old) 

Heat of Homework” by Katie Cameron 
Youth Jury chose this film due to its imaginative story, impressive execution and clear message of action towards climate change. 

Special Mention: “Play Your Part” by Parker Dawes 
Youth Jury choose this film for a special mention due to its highly entertaining and creative editing and sound design. The film passed on its message in an engaging and funny way.

3. Youth Category Winner (18-25 Years old) 

Aaron Underworld and the Asteroid” by Ruairidh Cooper
Youth Jury loved the re-contextualisation of the climate problem and its presentation in a comedic and abstract form and were thrilled by the great animation. 

Special Mention: “Reclaiming the Land: The Urban Garden” by Ruby Seber 
This piece deserved a special mention because of the strong sense of humanity. The Youth Jury found it nice to see a community coming together to tackle the climate crisis. The film had an expressive use of cinematography. 

Special Mention: “A Greener Way To Die” by Erin Gilbertson 
Special mention for its very unique take on the topic of climate change. 

Special Mention: “Nitro” by Eva Govedarica 
Special mention for its great editing and the sound in the film.

4. Live Action Winner (Over 25 Years Old) 

“Together” by Jane Houston Green
The simple idea of togetherness was explained in such a beautiful way and the fact that the entwined carrots were grown by the filmmaker’s nephew in their garden was touching. 

Special mention: “Are you In?” by Liz Strange 
Special mention for its funny and interesting take on a subject that should be indeed given thought to!

Special Mention for Workshops: “1.5” by Nina Saleh Ahmed
Special mentions for Workshops went to our participant who has never made before for it’s beautiful take on the experimental film approach.

5. Animation Winner (Over 25 Years Old) 

Let Me Flourish” by Natalia Martiszewicz
The timelapse of a seed and a plant recorded in stunning visuals with its roots was an impressive work with a strong message. 

Special Mention: “The Reset Button” by Ana Songel 
Special mention for its imaginative use of wool and felt in the design and overall the impactful message presented clearly and simply without a dialogue. 

Special Mention: “Close Encounters of the Forth Kind” by Isa Rao
Special mention for its funny take on the subject featuring Glasgow and localising the reality for us in a quirky way!

6. Best Environmental Message

Winner “By Leaves We Live” by Basharat Khan 
For using a very interesting medium and working in collaboration with young people to amplify their voices and portraits in a unique way using a site to project their images. 

Special Mention: “Dreams of Tomorrow – Thoughts from The Tayport Climate Festival” by Zoe Swann
This film was shortlisted for under 25 years old category by the Youth Jury and it shows a good sense of community, giving members a platform to send a message across! 

Film Access Scotland Team’s Special Mention: “Mac Bean, The Scottish Bean” by Lorna Dawson
For an interesting choice of subject and fun way of exploring environmental food production and consumption methods.

A selection of films were featured at the New York Times Climate Hub and others were screened on BBC The Social and The Scotsman websites during COP26 in early November. You can watch the films on our Webplayer. All the submissions will be available to view by January 2022.  

Climate Challenge: 1.5° Films was launched in August 2021 with 12 filmmaking and climate literacy workshops taking place across Scotland involving almost 120 participants, most of whom had never made a film before. 

The Films for Future weekend was part of the Youth Film Access Festival programme of events. It featured a documentary filmmaking workshop in Edinburgh and panel discussions focused on sustainability in the film industry in Aberdeen and Glasgow. The Festival’s Youth Team shortlisted film submissions in the youth categories and prepared questions for the panel discussions. 

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