Film Access Scotland represents the Film Access sector. The organisations that make up our membership provide opportunities across Scotland, especially to those experiencing disadvantage or exclusion, to participate in and engage with film.
Film Access work involves transformative activities which advance the outcomes of the Scottish Government’s 2018 National Performance Framework. If more people across Scotland, especially those experiencing disadvantage or exclusion, could access more high-quality Film Access activities, Scotland would move closer to being the kind of country the National Performance Framework aims to create, one where people:
live in communities that are inclusive, empowered, resilient and safe
are well educated, skilled and able to contribute to society
tackle poverty by sharing opportunities, wealth and power more equally
are creative and their vibrant and diverse cultures are expressed and enjoyed widely
have a globally competitive, entrepreneurial, inclusive and sustainable economy.
While Film Access work most often takes the form of practical sessions in which participants learn filmmaking skills, Film Access projects aim to deliver outcomes beyond the act of filmmaking itself, with far-reaching impact. Film Access work involves making, watching and learning about film as an instrument of societal, personal, and community change. The process of Film Access work itself is as powerful as the end result.
Film Access activities enable people to:
Enjoy and learn about film and filmmaking as an artform and part of our culture.
Gain qualifications and advance along formal progression pathways.
Develop a voice and communicate more effectively.
Develop and regenerate communities.
Develop personal skills and enhance employability.
Improve health and wellbeing.
Film Access Scotland supports and champions its members and associates, ensuring the impact of their work is recognised and valued by policy makers, funders, the screen industry and organisations working in related sectors.
Everyone in Scotland, but especially those experiencing disadvantage or exclusion, will have the opportunity to participate in and experience the transformative power of Film Access activities.
We recognise the importance of greater diversity in the Film Access Sector and the individuals, groups and communities we engage with. We seek to address under-representation in all our work, offering the opportunity to participate in accessible Film Access activities to everyone, but especially those experiencing disadvantage or exclusion because of their socioeconomic background, geographic location, additional needs, protected characteristics or caring responsibilities.
We believe it is essential for Film Access activities to provide a platform for reaching under-represented groups and audiences and to ensure there are no barriers to access for these opportunities. We foster inclusion by enabling access to high-quality, participatory Film Access activities, which we know make a real difference to communities and to individuals’ lives. We support the principles of Fair Work and the importance of offering all individuals an effective voice, opportunity, security, fulfilment and respect in the working environment.
We promote greater opportunity for individuals and communities to express themselves and to have their voices heard using image, sound and creativity. Film Access activities offer the opportunity for individuals to gain personal and technical skills through training and support, so their employability skills and outcomes are improved, and they are motivated to take ownership and responsibility for their personal development, careers and wider lives.
We champion collaboration as an essential element of all we do. We are committed to cooperation between organisations and individuals in the Film Access Sector and with other related sectors; we believe it is through partnership and the sharing of good practice, in an atmosphere of openness and trust, that the Sector will develop and grow to the benefit of our society.
We recognise the power of creativity wherever it can be found, knowing that engaging with, learning about and enjoying film and filmmaking as an artform and as part of Scottish culture can transform individuals, groups and communities. We believe in the importance of film education and media literacy to our culture and society and in the contribution that creativity can make to improving health and wellbeing.
We use film as an expressive tool because it provides such a powerful way to give individuals, groups and communities a voice and because it contributes to positive change and has a real impact in terms of social, community and environmental justice.